No matter what, we have offenses we need to work with, not avoid. We all have offenders we need to pray for, not slander. We all have steps to take with God and grow, so what does that look like?

An unhealthy view of self-control is built on what’s not possible.
A healthy view of self-control is built on what is possible.

We are bombarded with images and talk about the physiology and psychology of sexuality, but not about the theology of it. Sex is only sacred when it has a reverence for God, respect for your spouse, and is seen as a gift.

Mental Health
In the chaos of life, it’s hard to see or hear God sometimes, isn’t it? It can have our attention for so long and we can ask questions like, “God, where are you?”
Warning* Depression and suic*de are mentioned.

Church Trauma
The Church is meant to be a place of development. The enemy wants the Church to be a place of destruction. What happens in the Church is up to us… the Church.

There’s a phenomenon taking place inside churches that has been commonly referred to as “Deconstruction” of faith. Is it good? Is it bad? Have we seen this trend before? Wha…

Ideology & Orthodoxy
We live in a world that is full of opinion and information but is bankrupt of truth and wisdom. Many Christians get wrapped up in…